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April 16, 2013
 April 16, 2013

Dave Caporello, Holly Palmgren, John Vieira, Ron Thompson from the PCC were in attendance

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.

A public hearing was opened for an NOI filed by DCR for work on the Echo Lake Dam.  A site visit was held on Saturday April 13, 2013, in attendance were Holly Palmgren and Ron Thompson from the PCC and Dan Mortell from DCR.  DCR’s consultant reviewed the current conditions of the Echo Lake Dam and the proposed work.  The three current overflow pipes and the old culvert will be removed and replaced with one new 3 x 6 box culvert.  The top of the dam will be graded and filled as needed.  PCC requested that the specification for the fill material be submitted for review.  DCR will be removing the vegetation on the sloped of the damn, but leaving the stumps except those immediately adjacent to the spillway.  There will be no staging or stockpiling in the priority habitat near the historic chimney and access will be from Echo Lake Road.  DCR submitted a copy of the NHESP letter for the project.  A cofferdam will be used during construction.  Maintenance cutting of the slopes will be required long-term and the beaver deceiver until which is there now will be removed and put back after construction of the new culvert.  The project is in and ORW and a 401 Water Quality Certification will be required.  PCC questioned if alternatives had been considered since this is a limited project and DCR indicated that the no action, putting in a second spillway, and the proposed action had been looked at.  PCC questioned how the culvert was going to be “bedded down”.  DCR responded that there will be footings at the joints with flowable fill in between.  The new culvert has wingwalls and has been designed to prevent the seepage which is currently there now.  The PFD questioned whether there was an opportunity to install a fire hydrant during this work for use on Mountain Rd.  DCR wasn’t sure the pond level would be deep enough, but if PFD provides details, DCR will look to see if it would work.  PCC noted that installing the hydrant would require either a separate filing or possibly an amendment to this one.  PCC requested that DCR contact DEP to see if an amendment is possible in this case.  PCC voted to close the hearing and issue its standard Order of Conditions with the additional requirement of the submittal of the specification for the fill to be used on the Dam.

Minutes April 16, 2013
Page 2

PCC asked DCR the status of the Paradise Pond Dam.  DCR indicated that they are trying to figure out access and may have to change the plans from what was previously approved.  If that is the case, DCR will submit an amendment request to the PCC.

DCR had implied to PFD that the PCC was restricting access on Wachusett Mountain when the PFD asked to plow to get up to the Fire Tower on Wachusett.  PCC made it clear that we did not and would not restrict access.  PFD plowed the road last weekend.

Ken Whitney from the PFD came before the PCC to discuss future projects.  PFD indicated that they are looking to go out to bid for a consultant to do permitting for them for 4 or 5 ponds.  It was discussed that new ponds fell under a limited project under the WPA, but that maintenance and repairs to existing ponds fell under the maintenance exemption in the Act although they are not exempt under the federal regulations.  Most of the ponds are in ORW.  Many of the old ponds need to be dredged.  PFD requested the names of some of those who could do permitting and possibly some engineering that the PCC has worked with in the past.  PCC gave PFD a list.

TEC Associates on behalf of the Providence and Worcester RR submitted their Yearly Operating Plan.

PCC received a call regarding material on Mountain Road being brought in from the Westminster landfill.  Dave Getman of the PCC reviewed the location and determined that the area is not in PCC jurisdiction, although DCR is likely interested in it.

John Lebeaux sent PCC question regarding Tenney Pond and possible Dam removal.  John Vieira will speak with John Lebeuax to clarify what he is looking for.

John Vieira attended a CMRPC meeting regarding the Rural 11 project.  The Rural 11 project helps determined where development should and should not occur.  John gave the CMRPC the bio-map for Princeton and asked them to use that information in developing their plan.  Agriculture is high use and Worcester County is the 4th largest county for direct farm sales.  There will be a future public meeting to present the maps that are developed by CMRPC.

The PCC voted to table the meeting minutes.

                                                                Holly Palmgren
Meeting was adjourned at 8:18pm.